Lv 4. 4 years ago. I recently got a new cac card and there is a W on it in a circle but I do not know what it mean, just curious on why they put something new on it and what does it mean. I am trying to use my military I.D. Unable to read this as it takes you to DCMAs website. If you just forgot to turn it in... probably nothing will happen. I kept my same benefits number so it should show up in DEERS, but I say that loosely. Military Cac Card. This 10-digit field is your EDI Personal Identifier. To update your card, you will need two forms of ID (unexpired driver’s license, Social Security card, passport, etc.) on my home desktop, the computer has installed the drivers for my cac reader, but the light doesn't stay lit on my reader when I put my card in. … Steps to Installing Your CAC Reader on Your PC Overview. Why does my Retiree ID card have an expiration date? I have a 15" 2017 MBP that shipped with OS Sierra and the same CAC Card reader works just fine on it. In October 2016, I was able to keep my CAC when transferring from DoD Army so I could have access on the Air Force base, but once I completed New Employee Orientation, I had to get a new card that said DoD Air Force. Like someone said earlier, if you have a CAC the next time you go to a base (after terminal) they'll have you surrender it. In the last month I upgraded this current laptop i am using a 13" late 2013 MBP from OS Sierra to High Sierra and can no longer use this CAC reader on this laptop. Answer Save. Check to make sure your PC accepts the CAC reader. When you turn 65, you have to update your ID card by adding your Medicare A&B, which then makes you eligible for TRICARE for Life. In order to receive your first military ID card, you must first be enrolled in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System, or DEERS. Ensure your CAC Reader works for PC. If you try to gain entry to a base with it, then the gate guards who are checking IDs will see it, and confinscate it on the spot. Solution 1-2: If you have an SCR-331 CAC Reader and using Vista, Windows 7, or 8, and are still having problems getting the reader to be recognized by ActivClient, or your CAC reader shows up as STCII Smart Card Reader follow these instructions for updating the firmware on the reader. If the CA that issued the smart card logon certificate or the domain controller certificates is not properly posted in the NTAuth store, the smart card logon process does not work. Verify you have the right ActivClient for your branch. Step 1: Ensure Your CAC Reader Works for PC and your Medicare A&B card. I am using Windows 7. Generally, dependents need to verify their eligibility by providing documents to prove their relationship to the sponsor, along with a Social Security number or tax ID number if you are a U.S. citizen or U.S. person. bleser. Relevance. All military ID cards have an expiration date, which is usually close to your ETS. I have downloaded the smart card manager and it says there are no smart cards detected. The CAC cards have it in HUGE bold print at the very top. Is there something else I need to do? 5 Answers. If you are no longer on active duty you will not be eligible for a CAC card, depending on your status you may be eligible for an ID card though. I have been reading through a lot subject on getting your on getting your CAC card to work on your computer and have followed everyone's advice, however my computer still doesn't recognize my CAC card when I put it in the reader. Source(s): The smart card logon certificate must be issued from a CA that is in the NTAuth store. 4 - Select your Class 3 certificates by double-clicking it 5 - Select: "Details" tab » Select: field labeled "Subject" » You will see an item marked as "CN =" followed by your LAST NAME.FIRST NAME.MIDDLE INITIAL.10-digit numeric field. 0 0. That could also get you into a complicated situation because you'll have an AD ID card without being AD in the system. Update Your DOD Certificates. I too have a problem with my CAC Card reader no longer working on DOD websites. By default, Microsoft Enterprise CAs are added to the NTAuth store.
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