; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name … Enter in your username or email and you will recieve an email with a 114k. ... Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam. Koa’ki Meiru was a valid rogue deck for a while, and star seraph was thrown into some constellar decks for a bit. Heard of all of them. Additionally, if you’ve played duel links you probably know Koa’ki Meiru was a top deck for a while and Triamids are pretty decent now DUEL LINKS: Platform :iOS / Android / Steam®(PC) *Not compatible with some devices. Main Deck: 3 Wind-Up Rabbit 3 D.D. The Insect Imitation deck that I used to get King of Games during the first day of the new season. If so, you will not be drawing parts of combos. Duel Links decks: ... Simoon the Poison Wind… ... Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam. My King of Games Wind-Up (October 2020)4:50 onwards - Gameplay(Deck explanation up until that point)More stuff in the days to come! 111k. Before the Duel, be sure to choose a Skill that begins the Duel with a Field Spell Card on the field. level 1. Without further ado, here are the best Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links decks of the current meta. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Choose your deck type - a themed deck, or one that follows a specific theme of cards. Duel Links mobile game, giving players a number of quizzes to solve and more rewards to win. Legendary Warriors Structured Deck (Best for Joey Wheeler’s “Field of Warriors” skill ) Strengthen your Warriors with the "Fields of the Warriors" Skill! This is the tagline for this structure deck, which is available for purchase after the tutorial. The best Yu-Gi-Oh! Never have a deck with too many random cards in it. Duelists. The most you should have is 42 even though the maximum is 60 cards. STRUCTURE DECK. Also, make sure you have around 40 cards in your deck. Also used this deck to win a Bo3 tournament, the deck only dropped 1 duel … 855. When you have "Jet Synchron" in the Graveyard, send "Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite" from your hand to the Graveyard to activate "Jet Synchron"'s effect and Special Summon it. Online Multiplayer Card Game: Free to Download and play (with in-app purchases) *Screenshots and Illustrations were taken during development. Seeker 3 Forbidden Chalice 2 Necrovalley 1 Forbidden Lance 3 Zero Force 2 Needle Ceiling 2 Bad Aim 1 Drowning Mirror Force. Here are the Top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links Best Decks in 2019: 10. GET DUEL LINKS ON GOOGLE PLAY. Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). If I had more Great Tornados, I probably would have made a more fusion focused deck with more wind monsters to summon great tornado. Title :Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Starting May 3, Duelists Challenges in Duel Links will be available.
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