When things don’t go as planned. We are all here on Earth to help others; what on Earth the others are here for I don’t know. Gov's Cuomo and Newsom Could Be Soul Mates -- If Only They Had Souls, How 'Open Safely' Is Being Used to Keep Schools and Businesses Closed, The True Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything, On Thoreau's 'Mass of Men ... Quiet Desperation' Quote, Political Correctness / Identity Politics. Someday you’ll understand. Because, after all, nothing you do does. See more ideas about bones funny just for laughs make me laugh. Like, if I don’t read to my child 25.8 minutes every single day, they will not love reading when they grow up. We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. It makes sense to me. we think things through logically. response. Do not take life too seriously. When I was up in Seattle for a speaking engagement a few years ago, I saw just how important finding humor is. Don’t just take my word for it. That’s something you’re going to have to figure out for yourself. When things don’t go as planned. In the overall scheme of things. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is an Indian yogi, mystic, poet and New York Times, bestselling author. ... As you can probably imagine, I was quite nervous as I stood up in front of hundreds of people to deliver my keynote speech that morning. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. Don’t just take my word for it. I quote John Lennon, “I don’t believe in Beatles, I just believe in me.” Good point there. You’re a bit of a joker and always see the brighter side of circumstances. Every man dies. I used to take life too seriously. Stress … By ... and navigate through the ups and downs of life a bit easier. Get emotionally invested in everything you do. A SUPERB SPEECH BY RATAN TATA (Don't be serious, enjoy Life as it comes): ... Don't take life seriously. Not many 'Pali' words. - Original artwork/photography © Also, I'll send you an exclusive FREE chapter of my new book. If you do – take life too seriously – you will be severely and repeatedly disappointed. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. You can’t force it. Schedule a free 30 min consult with Steve! Subscribe to Steve’s posts and get one of his favorite chapters from his new book, Real Leaders Don't Follow, free! PS: I'll never sell or give away your email address. Life is a serious matter right. Those deserve all your energy and dedication, and you should focus on them because they are what matter in life. Do not take life too seriously. Life Is Short, Don’t Ever Take It For Granted One of the greatest errors of human nature is the complacency that comes with familiarity. Don't Worry, Be Happy! Be sure to let us know how that works out for you. I could be the walrus. Try it. Because you can’t afford to only be involved; being involved means you’re not committed enough, and if you’re not committed enough, that thing you’ve been working on, won’t see the light of day. You will never get out of it alive. Even though I'm telling you not to take life too seriously, it isn't the same as telling you not to take life seriously at all. Whatever. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. When we take ourselves seriously, we take others seriously, too—that’s why their opinions can hurt us. Be crazy. When things don’t go your way. And when you get your heart broken, it's like the end of the world. The truth is we know only know a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what the … It just doesn’t. After all, he was the walrus. Often our days comprise of work, work and more work and not enough fun is incorporated into the day, even we always hear from spiritual teachers about striving towards a balanced life. The best way to clear your mind and gain a little perspective is to get out in some fresh air! Are you satisfied with the life you're living? I don’t actually take many things seriously, but it’s true that life as a whole, I do take seriously. Get emotionally invested in everything you do. You will never get out of it alive” – Elbert Hubbard Good read and give path to achieve 'Sovan' and finally 'Nivan'.Interpretation of Lord Buddha's words are very good. And that means you will be miserable. Which is precisely why you can’t take any of that too seriously. We get worked up over stuff emotionally. Doing things halfway is the mother of everything that can go wrong.When you want your project to succeed, you invest yourself in it fully. Our culture happily insists on blasting out every idea, suggestion, or advice as though if you do not do this thing, you are DOOMED. Let go of your reputation. If your life’s uber serious, chances are you’re missing out on the full experience of one of life’s … It’s a bad idea to take life too Life is not meant to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. Life is serious and taking it too seriously robs you of happiness, fun and productivity. The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. A really bad idea. Don’t get me wrong. So the very notion of telling someone not to take “Do not take life too seriously. Don’t take life too seriously. When we take ourselves too seriously, we believe everything revolves around us. Don’t chicken out. seriously. We let it take the magic away. Don't lose faith. I love my work. Friends, family, lovers, personal and spiritual development and experiences will. No one gets out alive. We don’t get worked up over stuff because Being Extraordinary in the Age of the Entrepreneur. – Elbert Hubbard. In other words, none of this makes any sense. 2.) Not every man really lives. Get all worked up when things don’t go right. If you want to stop taking life too seriously, work on shaking things off that aren’t a big deal, and learn to laugh at the things around you. Go ahead. Don t take life too seriously quotes funny. It doesn’t have to be that way, if you’ll just stop taking life so seriously. Be my guest. A solemn outlook increases stress, squanders creativity and innovation, and stifles progress. I love my life. The world owes you nothing. It can all change in an instant so why not enjoy every moment while you can! That’s why we fear being ridiculed — we don’t want to face that we are not so special. Open your eyes, look within. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. Leave a comment below and … Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. How To Not Take Life (Or Yourself) Too Seriously “Don’t sweat the small stuff and it’s all small stuff.” -originator unconfirmed. Why? Whatever you do, don’t think, feel or act like anything you do matters in the overall scheme of things. I bring clarity to complexity, speak truth to BS, help CEOs build great companies and fix them when they break. Never be bullied into silence. Because, if you do, you will destroy what you love. Don't Take Your Life Personally is an interesting book. Life is just more fun this way. Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously. I don't take relationships too seriously, but everyone else seems to. Take it too seriously and it ll getcha. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Your image is not you. It’s a feedback loop. – Albert Einstein. If you’re getting all worked up a lot and it’s making you miserable, then you probably need to chill. You will see that it is true: once you start being comfortable with letting things go you will receive more than you ever imagined. You can’t work on several things at the same time and expect excellent results. Share Everyone Has A Purpose – Motivational Speech on Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus by clicking the share buttons below. Don’t Take This Life For Granted – Inspirational Speech: Don't Take This Life For Granted - Inspirational Speech Which is exactly why you shouldn’t take your life too seriously. I promise, you'll love it. Lighten up. things seriously is itself illogical, since it’s an emotional, not a logical, You don’t take life too seriously. He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. You will never get out of it alive. When we take ourselves less seriously, we’re able to see the humor in situations, find the silver lining when things don’t go the way we want them to, and navigate through the ups and downs of life a bit easier. Hi Lynette, I really enjoyed reading your view on life and just had the thought today that it is a game and decided that I don't want to take life too seriously. Too many people take life much too seriously! Let’s find out which one it is. We do not remember days, we remember moments. We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life. – W. H. Auden. Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Every thing relating to mind is explain in simple terms. And that means you will be miserable. Don’t let your self … I can have a laugh and a joke with someone and something in my mind will say it’s gone further than a joke which is ridiculous! Because nothing you do matters in the overall scheme of things, you can’t do a thing about it, so why get yourself all stressed out for nothing in the first place?
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