The most overlooked on this list are +1 Yearly Republican Tradition, -0.10 Monthly War Exhaustion, and -20% Diplomatic Annexation Cost. Depending on the difficulty selected the number of points available changes between 50 (very hard) and 800 (very easy). Starting as a custom nation with no more than 50 points, have at least 2000 total development. Two examples for a level 3 (-0.30%) idea: Example(1) Colony with 200 development: 200 * 0.10 * (1 - 0.30) = 14 liberty desire from development (20 without), Example(2) Vassal with 200 development: 200 * 0.25 * (1 - 0.30) = 35 liberty desire from development (50 without). Meaning at level 4 a western nation gets a 50% + 60% = 110% cavalry to infantry ratio and can field cavalry only armies without penalties. That's ~280 points per 4 techs about, or 70 points per tech. Best. Currently I am awaiting for the next update, where I am going to create a Caribbean Confederation or something, a Mayan Merchant Republic in the Caribbean Islands(I'd need a more advanced tech group than the usual Mesoamerican, to have boats and such, though). Tech cost is super overrated compared to other mana discount abilities. Yes, please. And Prussia is a very strong nation with one of the best militaristic national ideas. Since you already know what the best Crusader Kings 2 mods are, I thought you should probably get the skinny on the best additions to Paradox’s other grand strategy romp: Europa Universalis 4.It’s got more than a few, too. For comparison, a meager -5% tech cost is 90 points per tech. For comparison, a meager -5% tech cost is 90 points per tech. Although a fairly small nation, it’s widely popular with EU4 players. move farther back, ect. This percentage is added to your current ability. 0.5 points per development, modified by terrain type, and multiplied by 1.2 if the capital is in the HRE. The Republican Tradition means that every 4 years, you get back 8 RT and pay 10 RT to keep your ruler, so you can almost always keep your ruler, resulting in rulers that average roughly 5/5/5 for the entire campaign. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. One common strategy for minimizing point cost while maximizing ruler skills is to make the heir (and consort) very unskilled with bad personality traits, and disinherit the heir or hope both the heir and consort die naturally before the ruler dies. Reduces the liberty desire from development value by 10% (up to 40%). and powerful early game snowballing ideas (autonomy reduction and interest per annum being among the most powerful). Idea cost is good but not insane in relation to other stuff. Any technology group may be chosen, and will determine the nation's starting institutions and technology level (1-3). This page was last edited on 16 December 2020, at 09:59. There's no penalty for taking too many of same kind of ideas - there's no power level reason for it. Looking for the best 4K Tech Wallpaper? Some provinces cost more. If more than 50% of the total idea "levels" come from a single category (, , ), the point cost of all ideas is increased by 5% for each 1% share over 50%. And while +1 RT is great, Dutch Republics don't need it at all and are probably the worst type of Republic you can start with in 1444. Starting as a Zoroastrian custom nation with no more than 200 points and a maximum of 5 provinces, rekindle the royal fires (aka take the decision). The game was released on 13 August 2013. That's not however what happens - they all get some random set of custom ideas, similar to what you could do with EU4 nation designer. Country and nation name generator . With Rights of Man, a consort may be customized as well. You should time your idea choices on when do you expect to need them, plan ahead. Similarly, the consort will always have exactly 1 customized trait, as they are required to be over 15, but have not ruled yet. Technology group []. If you have your own one, just send us the image and we will show it on the web-site. Expensive things to the back, cheap to the front. It's obviously better early because early idea groups are separated by less techs, but since it's not a tradition you need 3 ideas before you even get the reduction and I certainly don't think it's worth a tradition slot. Tradition = Moral/Army Tradition (both relatively cheap and helpful early on, Moral is king early and army moral will improve your troops and generals), 1 = discipline (because more + discipline = stack wipes), 2 = aggressive expansion impact (usually my bottleneck early in the game), 3 = infantry ca (because most of my armies early are infantry), 4 = siege ability (because around this time, sieges become the #1 killer of my troops and time), 5 = war exhaustion (see above, also I like to drag wars out to avoid coalitions if possible, creating differing truce timers, so losing war exhaustion while at war is nice), 6 = core cost reduction (best modifier in the game, but its cheaper to put it near the end and then bump up the level), 7 = Arty ca (arty near tech 16 become dominant, so good here), Ambition = Interest Per Anum -1 (stack this with admin & econ + pope or some other and money becomes free, can build universities and manufactures in every province, This also means you don't have to worry about early game loans (as long as you avoid bankruptcy) as the interest on them will become free by the mid-late game). So unrest from zero mandate doubled from 5 to 10. This converter allows a player to take a game from the end of CK3 and convert it into a playable EU4 save, continuing the campaign. Government rank also factors into the cost, with ranks 1, 2, and 3 costing 0, 10, and 40 points respectively. Modernization. All provinces within 400 distance of starting provinces are explored. Any technology group may be chosen, and will determine the nation's starting institutions and technology level (1-3). Cookies help us deliver our Services. They are very important as they can influence events or how nations will see you. A huge Empire? It depends on your nation's position and goals, but I use a tier list: A -20% Development Cost (Outside of Europe). I did notice a decision to improve my tech group which required me to have lvl 19 ADM tech, hich was a few hundred years away. Thereafter, additional provinces may be added. It allows the player to create custom nations. The list has all the government types that aren't unlocked with technologies. A +1 RT republic might still be better than a monarchy just because of how strong +RT is, but +1 RT is SO expensive that I don't know if it outweights the massive point cost in the nation creator - that one even puts strain on 800 point nations. Diplomatic Annexation Cost stacks additively with Influence Ideas and the policy, resulting in -65% total reduction, saving you thousands if not tens of thousands of diplo points over the campaign. Europa Universalis 4 x10 Mod is Base Eu4 but with most modifiers multiplied by 10. Focus on that. Please help with verifying or updating this section. When playing at a later start date, custom nations do not start with any idea groups. You've skipped out on stability ideas (unrest, tolerance, missionary strength/missionaries, RU, separatism) on diplomatic ideas (diplo annex cost, diplo rep, dip relations, etc.) Hover over a cheat code to view detailed argument explanation. Crusader Kings 2 To Eu4 Converter. Idea cost is good but not insane in relation to other stuff. However, a consort's total point cost is multiplied by a factor of 0.25, including any personality traits. Creating a custom nation begins by selecting a capital province. Thus, based only on skills, the consort may cost anywhere from -3 (0/0/0) to 6 (6/6/6) points. If done correctly, the player can have a 6/6/6 ruler costing 36 points be nearly totally offset by a -24 point heir and -3 point consort. That's ~280 points per 4 techs about, or 70 points per tech. Morale and Infantry combat early on are fine because you can use the early boost to get big and afterwards just drown people in bodies. We have 65+ amazing background pictures carefully picked by our community. These are provinces with special province modifiers, such as center of trade. I combined this with a 25-year-old 5/5/5 starting ruler. The fourth upcoming game in the Europa Universalis series with new features like online multiplayer and trading systems. Any technology group may be chosen, and will determine the nation's starting institutions and technology level (1-3). Harem events updated to make use of new effect to take heir name for pretender leader. Note: A nation's revealed map at game start will include the continent of their capital and the home continent of their technology group. Stupid fast tech and idea progression, especially if you pick up Humanist as your first or second idea group. Based on skills and age, the heir may cost anywhere from -24 (0/0/0, age 0) to 48 (6/6/6, age 0) points. The ruler and heir may be customized. The most important thing to realize is that the player is an omnipresent, immortal leader of a country in which the rulers and armies within it will follow your every command. Select from each dropdown menu the idea you want and it will show you the level 1 modifier and cost; use the buttons on the right side to change the idea level. I wouldn’t go any further west than Cherokee, but it’s up to you. r/ eu4. Any provincial trade power modifier is added directly (+20 for Sjælland Sound Toll, +10 for Estuaries, Important Natural Harbors, and Bosphorous Sound Toll), A varying amount for static goods produced modifiers (Dalaskogen, Potosi, Nile Delta, etc. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.28. Tweaks, fantastical overhauls, graphics improvements – modders have given the game plenty of love. Even names translated to English vary a lot, and I've kept this potential for variety in this generator. There are plenty of traits that can be chosen for a nation's ruler, heir, and consort. After a certain point, having stupid amounts of combat power and mana conservation is pointless because you don't have enough manpower, you have too much AE, your nation is falling apart from rebels, your economy isn't improving quickly enough to contest the huge FL nations like Ming, etc.
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