This conjunction can last nearly a year — it’s not specific to Leos — and concerns your need to experience expansion, meaning, revolution and independence in relationships. Mars in Gemini has a strong intellectual drive so mental pleasure can sometimes be more important than sex. The planet of Mars rules our drive, temper, romantic attraction, sex life, and more. It's relatively hard to land a Leo; especially if they're female. This is a Mars related to children and the Fifth House, which means you are not above throwing a tantrum if you don't get your way or if you are taken for granted. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these women. Leo wants to have fun, but is proud and loyal. By using LiveAbout, you accept our, Venus Leo With Venus Aries: Love Compatibility, Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries. With Mars in Leo you have a deep desire to be as flamboyant in your expression of love and desire as possible. But just as you are capable of these dark depths, the heights your energy can achieve are more healing than any other. They can be dominant at times and if you cross them or humiliate them in any way, they rarely forget. You're motivated by grand passions, and enjoy putting what you're doing into an epic narrative. He's especially attractive, if he's a creative type (actor, artist, musician) or a leader in some way. Even with his moon in gemini. No other sign can compete with your romantic energy since Leo rules love, sex and romance! But to commit you need a partner who inspires, puts you at … You have very little problem verbalizing your needs in sex or telling a partner that you want to try something new. Woman’s Mars is in Leo, she may be attracted to men who are proud, outgoing, and perhaps even gaudy. The more ostentatious, loud and flashy you are, the keener he will be. Sport, physical activity and competition. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these women. Personality-wise he is looking for someone confident and possibly even a little proud. You're known to overdo it or throw your weight around when opposed. Be careful not to overdo it; otherwise, you'll end up feeling dried up and world-weary. But sexually and physically, Taurus and Libra. ", LiveAbout uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. What's unique about Mars Leo among the Mars fire sign is that it's fixed, so the fire is sustained. They are attracted to strong fire in the natal chart. Some men may end up translating this into a free pass to cross the line. If you don’t know the sign position of Venus, look it up in these tables –all you need is a birth date! You can get obsessive, and hold on to others, in a mysterious way that's borderline vampiric. You act with nobility and pride in all aspects of life but this is especially apparent in your sexual pursuits. The Mars will is strong in this fire sign, and that makes for a passionate actor on the world stage. Saved by Nadia Guevara. The third thing to remember about these Lovers is that all their sexual exuberance, their childlike wonder, and their warm, laughing playfulness ends the moment the game stops being played … Capricorn. If a woman’s Mars is in Leo, she may be attracted to men who are proud, outgoing, and perhaps even gaudy. Aries - 17 hours. This power in your words is most assertively used in matters of love and sexual gratification. As for staying fit, Mars in Leos are drawn to performance-type exercises like dancing. 16 A Leo Man Will Rawr Over Your Sweet Scent. You wilt in situations where you are considered expendable, unremarkable, or interchangeable. Mars in Scorpio. Mars is a masculine planet, so it determines how masculine energies show themselves and what qualities feminine energy are attracted to. They’re also attracted to women who are active, energetic, and adventurous. You also have the ability to control your sex drive like no other sign can. In love and sex you're capable of keeping the fire lit all night long. Now it’s time for you to thrive. Mars in Leo You seek entertainment, pleasure and adventure being attracted to bold and passionate people. And if you're going to hit the gym for a workout or the streets for a run, you always make sure you look good. Mars is the verb in one's astrological sentence. He will be very sensitive. But you've got the ability to follow through and pursue your ambitions with gusto. With Mars in Capricorn you have a strong, earthy and ambitious energy. This means, if a Leo man is in the picture, you don't have to have various perfume bottles to please him. With Mars in Taurus you have a steady, enduring stream of energy that doesn't rush but always finishes what is started. Some men may end up translating this into a free pass to cross the line. MARS IN LEO WEAKNESSES: Over-inflated egos; hot-tempered drama queens; anti-authoritarian; bossy and domineering; boastful exhibitionists. You could easily become one of those difficult bosses, and your pride may keep you from seeing it. Mars in Virgo is the essence of serving energy so pleasing your lover and satisfying every sexual need is a turn on for you. He will be very sensitive. In fact, physical pleasure is essential to your well being and Mars in Taurus will aggressively pursue achieving this gratification. MARS IN LEO ATTRACTIONS: People with Mars in Leo are sexually attracted to those with Venus in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius. While this seems like a negative, there are ways that Taurus balances out Mars to create quite a bit of harmony. Mars In Leo women are attracted to powerful men. You don't need anything fancy to get you in the mood since you're the most sensuous of all the signs. Although you won't come right out and say this, you expect your partner to know what to do to satisfy you since you go so out of the way to ensure their pleasure. Mars in Libra is concerned with energy balance and equality. Always first at the finish line, those with Mars in Aries will take pride in being the number one lover although you tend towards being selfish in bed and may rush. If you're getting a lot of resistance at work, look into that, and see if there's resentment building. You have the power of a volcano inside your body, along with the self control that chooses when to allow it to explode. Leo Mars Sign All the world is a stage for those born with Mars in ... Scorpio is associated with the underworld and you may be attracted to people with “a past,” or brooding, simmering qualities. Ruler of the zodiac sign Aries and traditional ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio. They have big egos and pride is their downfall. But when it comes to sex, Mars in Leo Lovers always seek relationships that allow them some measure of command. Related Forums. So you made it here, did you, my beautiful Mars in Scorpio? Venus or Moon in Leo – a man needs a proud, unapproachable, woman with dignity. Mars in Leo: Men with dignity, pride, and confidence to spare are the type these women are attracted to. Leo's Have Swagger, Swagger, Swagger! With Mars in Pisces your energy for compassion and sacrifice could lead you to be quite a tender lover. In such a situation, it is important for a man too proud of his woman. These men are more inclined to enjoy women who wear a good deal of makeup and jewelry. Mars in Leo is very dramatic, and they enjoy opulent surroundings. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these men. A Leo woman asks: Is it possible to have a relationship with someone with a heavy Aquarian emphasis in his chart or is it a lost cause? Tightwads and emotionally bankrupt suitors need not apply. In love, some good pillow talk will be the biggest turn on for this sign. They are passionate and charming. The planet Mars rules your physical energy, actions, the way you initiate and your drive. The difference being that Aries is always striving to be the leading man in the room, whereas Leo already assumes he is! You may have a difficult time with Mars in Pisces when it comes to actively pursuing that which you desire. If you don't feel mental arousal, it's impossible to have physical stimulation. They are judgmental and unforgiving, and sometimes this is exactly what you need. Although you possess a lusty sexuality with this Mars placement, you appear to be very subdued and controlled so one wouldn't know this unless they were intimate with you. What's tried and true works for you in matters of sex. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these men. You bring a sense of play to the bedroom. In a man’s chart, Mars describes what makes him feel “manly,” and gives clues as to how he personally expresses his own inner masculine energy. To keep the man, she may start overlooking his habitual cheating. It's that primal urge that forces us to act on what we want. In everything you seek to do there is an exacting standard you must attain, always, in order for your drive to be fulfilled. She wants a man who is charming and who seduces her with words and verbal foreplay. Mars in Leo wants to be a lover who is remembered for being warm hearted and capable of keeping the fun in love for a long time to come. Which means, if you are going to be involved with them in any way, shape or form, avoid windy criticisms and focus on praise. This will be someone who's most likely to turn you on, (as in "hot and excited"). Forget about baggy sweatpants and beat up T-shirts—only the latest, most figuring flattering workout gear will do. These women are more inclined to enjoy men who possess a rather bold, confident manner and style! You have a very strong sex drive and it's likely that you'll want to get down to business immediately and often. If you are the type of girl who only likes to stay in bed with a book after a long day at work, try a man in another sign. drive to action, agro-style, etc…or if you want to get Jungian, Mars is a Woman’s Animus. Brave yes, but all too often this is a placement that will suffer burns in the romance department. Venus in Leo men are attracted to sophisticated, classy women. Moreover, she herself believes in respecting other people’s freedom. Mars is one of the best personal planets to learn about in astrology because it shows up so often in our personal lives. This sign wants full intensity and commitment in sex and will want to own a sexual partner. Get a Mars in Leo in front and they will inspire their team until the bitter end. via Classic 105. Mars in Sagittarius needs to have fun and experience sex in a very direct way. Who do you think would win a fist fight. Since physical attraction is sexual. Later on, these two may feel rejection because of strong divergences, when they will get a chance to get to know each other on the deeper personal level. The female who has Mars in Gemini is attracted to men who are intelligent and articulate. These women are more inclined to enjoy men who possess a rather bold, confident manner and style! Although you love games and sports, when it comes to sex you rarely want mind games - only the physical ones! You love to help people, but do expect to be recognized for the effort. I have no planets in Aquarius at all but I seem to be attracted to them for reasons that I can’t fathom. Anything dramatic or flamboyant will grab and keep their attention. They are also looking for someone who is generous, romantic, and very loving. Mars in a woman’s chart also can describe what she is attracted to in a man. If a man’s Venus is in Aries, he is often attracted to a tomboyish woman, perhaps athletic in appearance, but more importantly, direct, forthright, and straightforward. In fact, you are likely to become emotionally attached to anyone you sleep with. You have a primal need to nurture and protect both yourself and those you love. You seek entertainment, pleasure and adventure being attracted to bold and passionate people. Mars in Capricorn is capable of denying pleasure altogether and focusing their ambitious energy on career matters instead. Urge for action, personal energy and drive, assertiveness and aggression, sexuality and passions. Your need for emotional connection must be satisfied in order for you to fully enjoy physical sex. In matters of sex and love you can be quite a productive romantic partner - both in and out of the bedroom! Leo Moon. Mars in Leo loves nothing more than having fun, being playful and laughing. Mars in Leo: Men with dignity, pride, and confidence to spare are the type these women are attracted to. You like giving the impression that you've got many admirers, and often you do. So your lesson is to learn the difference between being assertive and downright bossy. When you are in pursuit of your desires however, you're likely to be very romantic. Leos like to stand out, and they appreciate women who stand out, too. She is attracted to free spirited men. Mars in Leo + Venus in Leo The world's a stage for a Mars in Leo. These women are more inclined to enjoy men who possess a rather bold, confident manner--and style! Here works a rule that “a man is evaluated by his woman.” Such a man is well aware of why he chooses respective girls. The problem is, what turns you on with Mars in Aquarius could be different every day. This moon sign sure likes a dignified, self-confident woman. Mars in Capricorn prefers endurance in sex rather than the quick sprint to the finish line. Instead, balance all your ambitious action with time spent refilling the well. Sexual fantasies are strong with Mars in Pisces and the ideal lover is a dream that you somehow always search for, yet never seem able to grasp. In fact, you might dream of your desires rather than go after them. It can also work against you if you allow your fear or guilt of your normal, healthy sex drive to get the best of you. Mars in Leo does tend toward the assertive pursuit of its own creative self expression and you have a strong desire for being recognized and respected in all you do. In general, Mars in Aquarius has the most progressive energy to direct itself where other people would never consider going. He is attracted to women for superficial reasons such a good looks or popularity. On the other hand, be aware that sometimes it can come off as annoying and even pitiful. Air compliments fire, so it “enjoys itself” in Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini and the 3 rd , 7 th , and 11 th Houses. With Mars in Libra your energy in matters of achievement is more tempered than other signs. Mars in Leo is a swashbuckler, with only the Aries male to compete with in terms of astrology. You can be bossy and willful, but that comes with the insistent dynamism of your leadership style. About the use of gender in these posts: Although “she” is used for Venus and “he” is used for Mars, these pronouns are only used for convenience. If you have Mars in Aries you want what you want but don't seem to consider any consequences. Your attraction is due to your Leo Sun, not your Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in Libra. The female who has Mars in Cancer is attracted to father-figure types or a man who is mature and protective. Appreciation of aesthetics would be Venus ruled. You're easily enticed by a woman who flatters your ego with compliments and praise. You're attracted to regal lovers that make you look good. If a man's Venus is in Aries, he is often attracted to a tomboyish w . ... Venus in Leo: Men who have a Venus in Leo placement like glamour gals who are well dressed, well groomed, and wear plenty of make-up, jewelry, and accessories. By enfant_terrible — July 14, 2012 9:47pm — 74 replies. Mars in Leo brings a lot of fun and romance to a relationship, and they appreciate a partner who reciprocates in kind. He is generous, and not afraid to show his affectionate side. The Aries is attracted to a bold type who is not afraid to take risks. Physical attraction would be more of a Mars influence. You love to assert your intellect and beliefs on others and may be guilty of coming on a bit too strong in this area. You have great self-confidence, with a knack for self-promotion—just make sure you have the goods to back it up. You work hard and play hard, and have a good chance of reaching your dreams. In sexual matters your energy is bold and adventurous but your spirit must always remain free so this Mars position won't tolerate a clingy lover. They will always be most attracted to the partner they can most easily controlled. The person who has Venus in Leo expects complete devotion and loyalty from his or her partner. They eat it up. You are the type of person who photobombs all your family's and friends' photos, which more often than not is funny because you are just so smiley and cute. Libra is a sign that craves a doting partner, Barretta says, which is where Leo truly shines. Mars is the planet ruling our actions, sex drive and desires. The placement of Mars in your astrological chart will tell you all about the way you go after anything you decide is worth having. You'll thrive in relationships that have an epic feel, like you're stars in a romantic dramedy. We are drawn to Capricorns because no one can gossip like a Capricorn can gossip. Still, your creative energy is your strength and you will be quite imaginative in sex or in any other creative direction for your assertive powers. No other sign can compete with your romantic energy since Leo rules love, sex and romance! Mars in leo has a lot of endurance and would come out all bloody at the end and would win the battle at the end. Although mars in aries is supposedly the best placement for mars i personally think mars in leo would win. It will result in even more pleasure being given and received. Social, the Leo man wants someone to go out with him almost every night. Attraction based on Mars/Venus (Men/Women) The position of Venus in a man's chart, by sign. Irresistibly attracted by the lure of the unknown, forbidden and dangerous, Mars in Scorpio people go bravely where no-one else dares to tread. Mixed signals are likely from this sign. There's an inner strength to this sign that no one can compete with. Thriving is something that a Mars in Scorpio man or woman needs to learn how to do. Tightwads and emotionally bankrupt suitors need not apply. If a man’s Venus is in Leo, he may be attracted to women who are proud, outgoing, and perhaps even gaudy. Mars in Gemini does become bored quite easily and since this is the planet of action in restless sign romantic pursuits should always have a fresh trick up their sleeve if your desire is expected to last long. Since you are overly concerned with the other person and their needs with Mars in Libra, you can make an excellent, accommodating lover indeed. Leo In simple terms: Mars is the planet of passion and sexuality. mars in a woman’s chart in one sense indicates the kind of man she is attracted to, but also points toward the other aspects of mars – not just desire nature – eg. Leo Scorpio Taurus Aries Capricorn Funny, I never noticed but these all have links to important placements in my chart: - Jupiter in Leo - 8th house stellium, Ceres, Pluto and part of fortune in Scorpio - Venus in Taurus - Sun and Mercury in Aries - Juno, Vertex, north … This is the fearless firefighter who rushes into a blazing building without thinking twice. There's a competitive edge to Leo, that wants to be the winner in all things, including the game of love. like a fun-loving entertainer who is not afraid to bask in the limelight and entertain the troops when times are tough. Moreover, she herself believes in respecting other people’s freedom. Mars in Scorpio is very much concerned with the deeper significance of sex and love. It's difficult for you to separate love and sex since they are, for your sign anyway, two sides of the same coin. I have sun, mars, mercury in Leo too and strong Pisces as well. If Your Moon or Venus are in Leo - You're attracted to a striking or gorgeous woman whose glamorous manner make you proud to be with her. Although the kingly or queenly sense of entitlement that guides your actions can make you seem demanding, it also propels you toward your goals. Understated but feminine summer dresses, accentuated breasts (natural, not “enhanced”), an aura of innocence or neediness, and the promise of devotedness are usually turn-ons. Prideful of their abilities in bed, they’ll leave no stone unturned until they’re positive they’re the best you’ve ever had. They like to be the center of attention in the bedroom as much as they like it in the other areas of their life. In Taurus, Mars is in detriment due to Taurus’ slow and steady nature. This is a big turn off for an individual with so much Aries energy. So one could appreciate the breasts of a Cancer woman but be physically attracted to the strong legs of a Sagittarius female cyclist. If a man's Venus is in Leo. When their ego becomes involved in the relationship, it can disrupt an otherwise happy situation. You must be assured that your partner is thrilled before you can enjoy yourself. You need a certain amount of attention, but it's got to be genuine. Your warmth is contagious, and your big heart obvious to those you meet. They also tend to be perfectionists and are attracted to anything that is quality. Mars in Leo is no stranger to lust and the person with this placement wants to look good and get pats on the back while displaying love in all its grandest forms. Mars in Leo is a swashbuckler, with only the Aries male to compete with in terms of astrology. Table of Contents 1. Tomboys or sporty types are also often fine with them. Mars is a fire point, so it is most at home in the fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) and the fire houses (1 st, 5 th, and 9 th). Attraction based on Mars/Venus (Men/Women) The position of Venus in a man's chart, by sign. Flashiness is often appealing, although some will prefer a slightly more understated look. This can make Mars in Cancer a sign that becomes too self protective and even passive aggressive in the pursuit of desires. Mars in this sign endows you with great perseverance and determination. This Mars keeps the inspiration fires burning long enough to see creative expression brought to fruition. With Mars in Aquarius you have unusual ideas and attitudes when it comes to sex and your energy will be rather eccentric as you pursue your desires. Your energy is more the type to love someone that can become more perfect through your energy. If you are in the mood to shit talk someone, you will never find a better outlet or a sharper-tongued conversation partner. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these women. With Mars in Cancer you have a sensitive and moody sexual energy.
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