My phone is not working. Does that make sense? The invigilators took the bag out of the exam hall and to the exams officer's office. Announcements Government announces GCSE and A-level students will receive teacher awarded grades this year >> Applying to uni? What do you say when you are talking on the phone, you want to ring off? Today I was using my Samsung phone. Fortunately, the fix is simple and it won’t cost you a dime. My phone just went off, not up 3months old, this is the ist time it went off and i cant get it on again, it - Answered by a verified Android Device Expert. ... Make sure your phone is off and the charger is disconnected. example: your phone went off = your phone is ringing/vibrating. What is your personal definition of success? ... then it went off and I could not get it to come back on after holding the power/lock key down for a few seconds. Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language. In what sense is the word “conviction” used here. "This is ABC company, May I help you?" How do you say this in Portuguese (Brazil)? Doesn't OFF usually mean.. turn off.. like, inactive? Then I went to John Fogerty and The Blue Ridge Rangers before turning off the phone to save my battery for the 911 call. Every time my phone rings during class, kids say " ur phone went off. But for reference "your phone went off" is past tense as in it made a sound and no longer is making that sound. " The owner of it will not be notified. My teacher really doesn't like me and my phone went off it was OFF, O-F-F and my alarm clock came on (at first idk who's phone it was), but then I fessed up to it as soon as it happend I tried to explain but his response was "i don't care" He took my phone away but my parents got it back for me, I didn't get in trouble by my parents because they let me take my phone … Today, my phone went off, reminding me to take my birth control. Learn more. In those examples "go off" means: "Physically go somewhere" in the literal sense, "expire" when talking about food, "lose interest in something or someone" respectively. Today when I sat my Geography AS exam my mobile was in my bag at the back of the exam hall. We painted the wall green yesterday(sentence pattern)? does this sou... What does "She lived on little more than bread and butter and tea" mean? After that, press it again to turn it back on. my phone n96 the power went off while i was updating my phone n96 the power went off, and my mobile did not switch on. Have had the phone a couple of months. Hope that helps! Does it make sense to say "Your phone's going off?". If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working: 2. "Her phone went off", "The school's fire alarm went off". pleas i need help to solve this problem thanks This thread is locked. But somehow, after I put the OFF cell phone in my bag, the stupid touchscreen turns ON and turns UP the volume. one of the meanings of ''go off'' is used about an alarm saying it had began to sound,so it's reasonable to use it (and it's often used) about a phone. Tired of searching? It can also mean other things in different contexts e.g. My phone don't won't to turn on an I had it on the charger an it still don't want to turn on i not knw what is wrong with it. Hi. What is the difference between Phone someone and Call someone on he phone ? I woke up an hour later to find that I … By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Depending on the context, it has two meanings that happen to contradict each other. What does Just here to get embroiled in some youthful high jinks, what’s the BFD mean? My phone is samsung j2 pro now my phone battery is full just i switch off the phone than see battery is low plz give me a help. It might just be slang..... "off" can mean a few different things in slang terms. Find the answer you're looking for from 45 million answers logged! Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers. I have never heard anyone say "Your phone go off", not even in the novels I've read. in the top of left side when i put it on charger and it is not able 2 start i tried to pres volume up power and home key it start i reboot my system nothing happened i wipe the data and nothing happened 2 any idea plz send me mail … English (US) It depends on the context, but it typically means that your phone started ringing or making some other kind of noise. lol your phone went off just means it rang, or buzzed from vibration. Enjoy the auto-translate feature when searching for answers. The ringtone had been changed to my boyfriend singing "It's birth control time, birth control time, take your pill, or I'll say it ain't mine." The one learning a language! Hope that helps! I went to retrieve my bag at the end of the exam and the officer gave me a serious warning and would … In this article, we’ll discuss the reason why your iPhone is black and white and I’ll show … I share my location with my Family but only my wife can see my location. lol your phone went off just means it rang, or buzzed from vibration. Hi . thank you It's always "Your phone went off". My phone screen went black but still works. 'Off' is an auto-antonym. I'm about to go off on this person = I'm about to get angry, yell, scream etc at this person.. Im so sorry my phone is low rn -_- soooooo yeah thats great If…. - Answered by a verified Android Device Expert. Hi, I was wondering if there is away to tell who actually enabled the Find My Phone alert on my iPhone7plus this evening. If a bomb goes off, it explodes: 3. "Sam went off to see the world", "This milk smells like it's gone off", "I think he's gone off me". Because of this, I'm not able to use the phone. HiNative can help you find that answer you're looking for. Page 1 of 1. Was someone trying to hack into my account? 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。 权威例句. example: your phone went off = your phone … yesterday the TV went off, my computer was not working also my phone went out. You're welcome! "Went off" refers to a phone ringing and it's grammatically correct to say "Went off" than "Go off" because "go" is a present tense word while "went" is a past tense word. The ironic part was that i NEVER take it with me, I almost always leave it in the car. and join one of thousands of communities. For instance, if you said, "My phone went off in class today," that would probably mean that your phone started ringing during class. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. What is a word that means art of humans or living beings? Época Victoriana, Display based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law. For instance, if you said, "My phone went off in class today," that would probably mean that your phone started ringing during class. It means the phone made a noise. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. before phones it strikes me as most often being used in the context of an alarm sounding, In this context, "go off" refers to the typical noise made by a device of some kind e.g. Question: Q: Find my iPhone Alert went off unknown. You can sign in to vote the answer. Hopefully it helped a bit! What does money made Kate my monkey. What is the difference between man and men ? Please please help. And of course, the im the guy that doesnt usually get random texts, but i get one in the middle of 4th bell. So We're kind of stuck with something that does sound kind of dumb, but that's just the way it is. My phone went off in the exam Watch. If the screen is unresponsive, press and hold Power button for a few seconds to power it off. can some one please tell me why my phone did that? lindo, How do you say this in English (US)? I was also able to hear the sounds of receiving notifications and messages. I picked it up, hit snooze, and dropped it back on my desk without looking. my phone went off. 09/13/2018 by Shubham Kumar. Press and hold Volume Down + Menu button + Power button (all three together) until you see the menu of Recovery mode. During incoming calls, I could hear the phone's ringtone. Near fluent. The site below explains it further and has a list in alphabetical order of other auto-antonyms. The phone was not dropped. It might just be slang..... "off" can mean a few different things in slang terms. Plus, when you say "Your phone go off", doesn't that sound weird? when you pick up the phone at the office. Later - Answered by a verified Electronics Technician. Become a Redditor. Samsung is either purposely ruining my phone through these updates, or my phone can’t handle all the updates (it’s like 2 – 3 years old) Instead of vibrating as per usual, it rang. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. What do you call someone with no political views? your phone is going off" is present as in it's currently ringng/ making noise at this very moment. When it restarts, turn it off (by pressing the off button for a few seconds) and wait a little. if my phone went off, I couldn't get a hold of you? Please help ... What is meant by 'as good as one's worst" as in this context below? My phone went off will not come on i battery was not low, i pluged into computer, wall outlet, will not come on - Answered by a verified Cell Phone Technician. Go to first unread Skip to … Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Sorry my phone went off catch me Tuesdays and Thursdays night at 8:00 PM I’ll see y’all there More Less. Still have questions? The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested in. So saying "Your phone went off" is better. Your phone can be on and go off, or be off and therefore not able to go off. What does the monkey suggest?? Do you know how to improve the way you study a language❓ All you need to do is write a diary in the language you are learning! Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers. Solve your problems more easily with the app! Today, the alarm on my phone went off. Now, use your Android phone for a while and check whether black/white screen problem still persists on your device. My cell phone had a full charge and then it just went off and it won't turn back on. If your iPhone has suddenly turned black and white, you’ve come to the right place. [Help] My phone went off and I did the jailbreak again but now, when I try opening the message and calculator, it keep crashing. I completely forgot to turn it off and sod's law I got a text and a long tone went off. Another situation though could be that your phone went off in the sense that the battery died; in that case, you wouldn't be able to contact anyone. Get your answers by asking now. My lg droid just went off and back onit was weird when.i google why i got a whole bunch of problem solvers that didn't make sense . Think about it -- The only time people/your friends say "Your phone went off" is right AFTER your phone rang. I noticed that the boot loop started happening after my phone went through a lot of mandatory updates. My phone Carbon A21 my phone wouldn’t turn on I have carbon A21, Last night my mobiles battery got drained and phone gets switched off, i charged my mobile whole night, but in morning when i tried to switch this on it wont work.then i removing battery & reinsert but it wont start. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. mean? 我的手机响了. What does that mean? We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. If your phone went off in the sense it started ringing in class, your phone would still be working fine and you could still call other people. since that would be pretty obvious it is already on. This is one of those sayings that is so deeply ingrained in our culture that nobody really knows how it originated. [News] Hey you! ", Do people usually say "went off" or "go off"? 03/17/2019 by Sylvi Iyaloo. FORBES: Wanted: Bear Spray. Sign up for premium, and you can play other user's audio/video answers. Customer reply replied 5 years ago. So today my cell phone goes off in class. 'went off' is referring to the phone ringing. Find your group chat here >> start new discussion reply. I have been having battery problem after 3 months I bought it, so I order for another battery to replace the faulty battery and afterwards the phone started getting so hot and switch off and never comes up again ....I even charge the battery but still coming up. go off definition: 1. My phone went off neze musanga nezo Sakila MICROPHONE,NYANGAYA na tosamba ♀️ ♀️ ♀️ Sorry for all the inconvenience caused. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. G318H is not turn on or turn off. Off in this case means the device is not powered up, or that you have received some kind of notification, causing it to vibrate or make a sound. How do you think about the answers? What does I am behooved at such behaviour mean? 2. It depends on the context, but it typically means that your phone started ringing or making some other kind of noise. My FIND MY PHONE alert went off and it wasn’t me who was searching for it. My phone went off and I can't get it back on. my phone have same problem but it was next to me while i was sleeping in the morning i couldn't even hold it in my hand and it show a red ! Since your phone is already "on" it would be confusing to say "Your phone went on." My phone went off after changing the battery Hi! What does My heart is thumping like a jackrabbit’s, so hard I’m afraid it’ll burst out of my ches... What does She always enjoys a good laugh mean? That would be a different situation I think. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple.
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