"Without the tender loving care of my family, I would not be where I am," said Tsujii. Blind from birth, 20 year old pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's handicap, if a drawback at all, never affected his ability to play the piano. 1. nobufans. Please note this concert has been cancelled. Photograph: Chris Christodoulou/BBC. Musicians with similar disabilities all said the same thing, warning that the parents must prepare accordingly . Born in 1956 , in Kanagawa Prefecture. I also highly recommend the video "A surprise in Texas", the documentary of the 2009 Van Cliburn Competition, which provides a poignant portrait of Nobuyuki that turned me into the ardent fan that I am. In October 2005, at age 17, he reached the semifinal and received the Critics’ Award at the 15th International Frederik Chopin Piano Competition held in Warsaw, Poland. “I think if I had not met Dr. Kawakami, I would not be where I am now,” so said pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii in this tribute to his long-time childhood teacher, Mr. Masahiro Kawakami. Married to former freelance announcer Itsuko in year 61 (Japanese calendar, which is 1986 - I am indebted to a Japanese Nobu fan for sorting this out for me) . Nobuyuki Tsujii in Turkey, December 2011 PART 3. nobufans. In May 2009, 29 young contestants came from all over the world to compete in the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in Fort Worth Texas, the most prestigious prize in the music world. Nobuyuki Tsujii | Pianist and Composer. Nobuyuki is the focus of the competition's documentary video A surprise in Texas by Peter Rosen. Mrs. Tsujii believes her son has the "mind's eye" , and took him to see fireworks that decorate the sky in the summer, the museums ... paintings. Special Comments Tochigi recital Nov 20 2012, Nobu's Songs: "Nobuyuki Tsujii Works 2000-2011" CD, Comments on the self-compisitions CD - Shin Blog, Nobuyuki Tsujii at White Nights DVD/Blu-Ray, "A morning in Cortona", la sonata di Nobuyuki Tsujii per Cortona, 2013 Singapore "NOBU-lity" concert review, Carnegie debut review - BBC Music Magazine, MusicWeb International "Carnegie Hall Live" review, Mussorgsky Album review on classical music network, Nobuyuki Tsujii 's Carnegie Hall Debut -- Paul Shaw, Nobuyuki Tsujii and Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, Nobuyuki Tsujii: MUSSORGSKY, LISZT on CHALLENGE, Oct. 16, 2012 Carnegie Hall Blu-ray Review, Rachmaninov Concerto No. (See Nobu at the 2005 Chopin Competition.) This article came online in Japan on Sept 7, 2011. Meet Japanese classical pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, who has been mesmerising audiences since the age of ten. Nobuyuki Tsujii. Born in 1988 in Tokyo. At age 17, participated in the 2005 Chopin International Competition and was awarded the Critics 'Award . Nobuyuki Tsujii was born on 13 September, 1988 in Tokyo, Japan. With James Conlon, Yeol Eum Son, Nobuyuki Tsujii. Teikyo University School of Medicine graduate. Eventually they bought him a real piano and he showed astonishing talent. He is a young Japanese piano player and composer that possesses a natural musical talent. However, my father said, "I only hear the sound of the river." 2 album - A Dutch Review, "Seven Women" Magazine article, Sept 22 2011, 10 Questions for the Gold Medalist - Oct 6 2011, Nobu interviewed on Fresno NPR, April 5 2011, March 2009 interview with Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii, Nobuyuki Tsujii in the Chopin Magazine, March 2012, Nobuyuki Tsujii Interview - 毎日新聞 10/24/2012, Nobuyuki Tsujii: 'The piano is an extension of my own body', Sept. 7, 2011 【父の教え】What my father taught me, Nobuyuki Tsujii debuts in Austria, Spring 2012, Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012, Part 2, Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012 part 3, Nobuyuki Tsujii in Germany, March 2012, part 2, After London - new thoughts on Nobuyuki Tsujii, Web Pages with Misinformation on Nobuyuki Tsujii, http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/110907/trd11090707190003-n1.htm. His obviously very devoted and attentive mother expressed fears she might be unable to deal with the difficulties of raising a blind child. Directed by Peter Rosen. Nobuyuki's extraordinary musical talent was discovered early by his mother. "If I won even a small contest or championship, my mother was always terribly amazed and pleased. "Our favorite food is sushi and tempura. "Soon after I got past my adolescent rebellion stage, my father and I took a walk along the Kanda River in Tokyo. Mother Mrs . Nobu x Ashkenazy 2013 - Grieg or Chopin 2? Photos and original text copied to here for preservation. Mother Mrs . Both parents poured love on the child, but in different ways. Mrs. Itsuko Tsujj is a former broadcast announcer, and Mr. Takashi Tsujii is a physician in Japan, as is his own father (Nobu's grandfather 信孝 Nobutaka - University of Tokyo School of Medicine graduate ), see http://doctorsfile.jp/h/12376/df/1/ The family runs an obstetrics and gynecology clinic in Aoba-ku, Yokohama, whose office is headed by grandmother Kyoko 京子さ. The heart comes loose in the face of a delicious thing, and it is said that nature and the conversation bound. His formal piano lessons started at age 4, and he benefited from the nurturing of a number of caring mentors and teachers in Japan (see It takes a village.) Rough English translation of the text follows. Tsujii's parents filmed him from his early childhood, when he played a toy piano at Christmastime from around the age of two. An album of his compositions, "Nobuuki Tsujii Works, 2000-2011"(http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail/4046792), was released in July 2011. (photo below, right). My father did not praise me like that. His compositions are well recognized in Asia and on the Internet. He was born blind but showed his great sense of music at just two. The grand prize winner, Nobuyuki Tsujii, does not fit into any existing criteria known to humanity. 'Read more books,"'he said, sometimes scolding me on the morning of a concert.". No copyright infringement is intended. His unique sensitivity was thus nurtured. I want to treat my father the gourmet to delicious things, using the money that I earned myself.". The imagination of the pianist was inflated while listening to the description of Mrs. Tsujii . Touching the Sound: The Improbable Journey of Nobuyuki Tsujii (Rochester, NY) – Touching the Sound documents the extraordinary journey of Nobuyuki (Nobu) Tsujii. Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii (22), pianist, is a fan of most parents. Released his debut album, “début,” in 2007. Documenting the extraordinary journey of Nobuyuki (Nobu) Tsujii, Touching the Sound airs Thursday, January 29 at 8 p.m. on WXXI-TV and Saturday, January 30 at 8 a.m. on WXXI-WORLD. Don’t miss the famous blind pianist on this list! He is the first native Japanese to win the prestigious award, and the first blind contestant that advanced past the preliminary round in that competition. However, no matter how much his step was disturbed, the pianist never abandoned his dream. But back then she worried about the arguments between the two. Video footage exists that shows Nobuyuki, at age 2, skillfully accompanied his mother's singing on a toy piano, using both hands and playing chords ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKDdK7LucXA). His first album (debut) as well as his Cliburn Competition CDs have reported sales of more than 100,000 copies each. It wasn't until he graduated from junior high school that there was a welcome "thaw" in the relationship. PHOTO above -- From left: Nobu's mother Itsuko Tsujii, Nobu, Ambassador Caroline Kennedy and Nobu's father Takashi Tsujii at an event at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, September 26 2016, Nobuyuki Tsujii International Fans 辻井伸行 ニュース, Nobuyuki Tsujii BBC Proms Debut photo album, 2013 Berlin Philharmonic Chamber Hall Recital, 2013 Nobuyuki Tsujii - Yutaka Sado - BBC Phil tour, Nobuyuki Tsujii 2013 North America Tour - Part 3, Nobuyuki Tsujii 2013 North America Tour - Part 4, Nobuyuki Tsujii in Fort Worth, Texas, 2013, 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour - part 1, 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour Part 4, 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour_3, 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Tour - Part 2, 2014 U.S./Japan Tour with Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Debuted at 10 years old in a performance with an orchestra. At age 20, he won the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009. In April 2007, Nobuyuki Tsujii enrolled in the Performer's Program at the Ueno Gakuen University of Music in Tokyo and graduated in March 2011. "From childhood, through my father I came to understand the hard work of doctors. He was born blind, meaning he has no common concept like the rest of us about what … With English subtitles. Nobuyuki Tsujii International Fans 辻井伸行 ニュース, Nobuyuki Tsujii BBC Proms Debut photo album, 2013 Berlin Philharmonic Chamber Hall Recital, 2013 Nobuyuki Tsujii - Yutaka Sado - BBC Phil tour, Nobuyuki Tsujii 2013 North America Tour - Part 3, Nobuyuki Tsujii 2013 North America Tour - Part 4, Nobuyuki Tsujii in Fort Worth, Texas, 2013, 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour - part 1, 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour Part 4, 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Japan Tour_3, 2013-14 Chopin/Liszt Recital Tour - Part 2, 2014 U.S./Japan Tour with Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Nobuyuki Tsujii in Vietnam June 2013 - Part 1. nobufans. "There is no turning back once you start climbing the road to be a professional." In summer of 2011, he composed music for a Japanese film, a Japanese TV series, as well as for a museum exhibit. 6:33. Nobu x Ashkenazy 2013 - Grieg or Chopin 2? It is extraordinary to remember Chopin was only twenty when he wrote his Piano Concerto No:1 in E Minor. ?), "Though it was my mother who supported me the most, it was my father who supported me in the background. With Nobuyuki Tsujii. The following is a writeup by the owner of this site based on the information that she has gathered as a fan. Nobuyuki Tsujii 辻井伸行 first public performance of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto no. Nobuyuki Tsujii talks to Ivan Hewett. An album of his original compositions was released in July. He was a sensation at the competition; some of his performances reportedly moved the audience, the jurors and the orchestra members to tears. Source: http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/110907/trd11090707190003-n1.htm, ピアニスト、辻井伸行さん(22)の一番のファンは両親である。息子の才能にいち早く気付き、親子でピアニストの夢を追ってきた。2人の愛情の注ぎ方は 対照的だ。あらゆる個性を肯定的にとらえる母、いつ子さん(51)と違って、父親の孝さん(55)は一歩引いたところで息子の将来を案じ、自立への道を 探った。, 「全盲」というハンディキャップ。大人になったときプロとして通用するのか、両親は悩んだ。, 「一度プロへの道を登り始めたら後戻りできない」。同じ障害を持った演奏家はそう言って、親の覚悟をうかがった。「家族の愛情がなければ今の自分はありません」と辻井さんが話すように、語り尽くせぬ親心があった。, 「小さなコンクールでも優勝すれば、『すごい、すごい』と喜んでくれたのは、いつだって母親でした。父親は『上には上がいる。少しは本を読め』と言うだけで、ほめてくれない。小さい頃は父に干渉されてばかり。演奏会の朝に叱られることもありました」, 産科医の父と芸術家を目指す少年の間に溝ができていた。「もっと地に足をつけろ。大人になって困るのは自分なんだぞ」。父子の葛藤は中学を卒業するまで続いた。, 「男同士のバトル」と、辻井さんはあの頃を笑って振り返るが、いつ子さんは2人の危なっかしいやりとりに気をもんだ。とはいえ、どんなに足並みは乱れてもピアニストの夢を捨てたことはない。中学を卒業すると、昨日までのことが嘘のように“雪解け”を迎えた。, ちょうど思春期の反発から抜け出した頃、神田川(東京)沿いを父と散歩したことがあります。そのときに聞こえた川のせせらぎが僕には何かのささやきに聞こ えました。ところが、父は『どうしてもおれには川の音にしか聞こえない』と言うばかりで、引こうとしない。作曲した『川のささやき』は、そのときのたわい ない会話がベースになっています」, 辻井さんは「心の目」で社会を見る。夏の夜空を彩る花火、美術館の絵…。いつ子さんの説明を聞きながらイマジネーションを膨らませる。「風は何色なの?」「穴子の天ぷらを揚げる音はソの音のよう」と独特の感性をはぐくんだ。, 公開中の映画「神様のカルテ」で、初めて映画のテーマ曲に挑んだ。地方の青年医師が患者と心の交流を重ねる物語だ。辻井さんは作曲のオファーがあったと き、父のことをまず思った。「小さい頃から、医者の大変さを父の仕事を通じて理解してきた。患者さんとの触れ合い、人と人とのつながりという点でも曲づく りがしやすかった」, 最近、男同士で外食することがある。「好物はすしと天ぷらで共通しています。うちの家族は食べることが大好き」。おいしいものを前にすると、心はほぐれ、自然と会話も弾むという。(日出間和貴), 僕を一番サポートしてくれたのは母だけど、陰で支えてくれたのは父でした。今度はぼくが恩返しする番。自分で稼いだお金で、グルメの父においしいものを食べさせたい。, つじい・たかし 昭和31年、神奈川県出身。帝京大医学部卒。61年、フリーのアナウンサーのいつ子さんと結婚。横浜市で産婦人科医院を父親と開業。仕事柄、辻井さんのコンクールに帯同することはできないが、ヴァン・クライバーンの優勝はインターネット中継で知った。, つじい・のぶゆき 昭和63年、東京都出身。生後間もなく全盲と分かる。17歳で出場した2005年ショパン国際ピアノコンクールで批評家賞、09年ヴァ ン・クライバーン国際ピアノコンクールで優勝。11月に米カーネギーホールでリサイタルを予定。7月に自作集が発売された。. I heard the murmur of the river at that time, like something was being whispered. 26. Nobuyuki Tsujii: 'The piano is an extension of my own body' This year's Proms feature a blind pianist who is mobbed by groupies in his native Japan. Orpheus Chamber Orchestra creates extraordinary musical experiences that enrich lives and empower individuals through collaboration, innovation, education and a passion for artistic excellence.. We are thrilled that Orpheus and the beloved Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii will open our season with a vibrant new orchestration of Chopin’s Second Piano Concerto by composer Shuying Li. His parents nurtured their son’s talent, giving him the best possible musical education, including the pianist course at Ueno Gakuen University. Opened gynecology clinic in Yokohama with his father. My family loves to eat out." His work whisper of the river appears on the soundtrack of the 2009 Cliburn documentary, and that piece as well as a more recent work, A morning in Cortona, have appeared on soundtracks of Japan TV shows. ", Tsujii accepted the challenge to compose, for the first time, the theme music for a film, "God's Medical Chart". This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Special Comments Tochigi recital Nov 20 2012, Nobu's Songs: "Nobuyuki Tsujii Works 2000-2011" CD, Comments on the self-compisitions CD - Shin Blog, Nobuyuki Tsujii at White Nights DVD/Blu-Ray, "A morning in Cortona", la sonata di Nobuyuki Tsujii per Cortona, 2013 Singapore "NOBU-lity" concert review, Carnegie debut review - BBC Music Magazine, MusicWeb International "Carnegie Hall Live" review, Mussorgsky Album review on classical music network, Nobuyuki Tsujii 's Carnegie Hall Debut -- Paul Shaw, Nobuyuki Tsujii and Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, Nobuyuki Tsujii: MUSSORGSKY, LISZT on CHALLENGE, Oct. 16, 2012 Carnegie Hall Blu-ray Review, Rachmaninov Concerto No. This show's theme is 器の大きなピアニストになれ (A Pianist with a Big Plate) –- the expression is explained in the show. For refunds, please contact Box Office on boxoffice@liverpoolphil.com or call a member of our team on 0151 709 3789 Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.3 Falla The Three-Cornered Hat. By the age of seven he was winning prizes in his native Japan. At that time, he played Do Re Mi on the toy piano. And he hears the sound "of the conger eel being deep fried for tempura. Tsujii said that when he was offered the job as composer, I thought of my father first. Set against the backdrop of the music of Liszt, Beethoven, Mussorgsky, and other inspiring piano masterpieces, this film will be an inspiration to all people who face disabilities, hurdles, or obstacles in life. Since then, he has become a worldwide sensation, thanks to an abundance of videos of his performances that have appeared on the Internet (YouTube Videos). A must have for anyone who has discovered and is following the career of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Categories: Cliburn Competition, Links He had only played with a chamber music group once before, recently in Japan, after learning it would be required should he advance to the Cliburn semifinals. (See A miracle at the Cliburn). NEW on YouTube -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd4_6dqIHek "辻井伸行 徹子の部屋 2010年 Nobuyuki Tsujii on 2010 'Tetsuko's Room' TV Show." Following are links to Nobuyuki's wikipedia pages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobuyuki_Tsujii - English version, http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%BE%BB%E4%BA%95%E4%BC%B8%E8%A1%8C - Japanese version, Here is a link to Nobuyuki Tsujii's official website: http://www.nobupiano1988.com/index.html, There is now an article in Spanish of Nobu's story => Nobu, la historia del pianista ciego [Nobu, the story of the blind pianist] The article was posted by El Correo on August 17, 2016; the writer is CÉSAR COCA. Directed by Peter Rosen. Born in 1988 , in Tokyo. As Nobuyuki Tsujii finished the last note of Andante spianato et Grande Polonaise brillante by Chopin, the packed audience in Tokyo's Kioi Hall broke into an emotional applause. In his early twenties, he tied for the gold medal in the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. In 1998, at age ten, he debuted with The Century Orchestra Osaka. Erica Jeal. Nobu's grandfather (left) and father are both doctors, and operate a gynecological clinic near Tokyo. He was at work when his son participated in the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2009 and learned about his son's victory from Internet broadcast. "He's a complete phenomenon," Alexander Mickelthwate, Director of Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Winnipeg Free Press 2013 article. Nobu is said to have often played piano at the clinic's lounge, when he was very young. Nobuyuki Tsujii 辻井伸行 is a Japanese classical pianist who has come to international attention since he was awarded a gold medal at the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition held in Forth Worth, Texas, U.S.A. Nobuyuki Tsujii was born in Tokyo, Japan, on September 13, 1988, with a a developmental disorder of the eyes, microphthalmia, which has left him completely blind. Nobuyuki Tsujii performs with the BBC Philharmonic at the BBC Proms, July 2013. Vasily Petrenko conductor Nobuyuki Tsujii piano Kitty Whately mezzo-soprano. His blindness was known shortly after birth. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. Itsuki Tsujii (51) saw all of the pianist's personality in a positive way, unlike the father, Mr. Takashi Tsuji(55), who was anxious for the future of his son and to find a way for his independence. "What color is the wind today?" "Be more down to earth, or there will be trouble when you turn into an adult." A conflict developed between the artist and the father, an obstetrician. Mr. Tsujii is solely responsible for and composed the music for the Japanese movie 『はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還』"Far return Hayabusa" released in February 2012 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IAButz_Mp0). He was also awarded the Beverley Taylor Smith Award for the Best Performance of a New Work. His parents noticed their son's talent early on, and, like many other parents with such children, chased the dream of the pianist. Liverpool knows and loves Nobuyuki Tsujii – the Japanese pianist, whose … The film depicts the life journey of the blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii and his extraordinary ability to communicate and connect with audiences all over the world. Executing each piece with energy and concentration, the 21-year-old classical pianist, who has been blind since birth, mesmerized the typically reserved Tokyo crowd in a two-hour solo performance on his latest tour. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. 16:19. Nobuyuki Tsujii competed in the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition and tied for the gold medal with Haochen Zhang. he once asked his mother. "Battle between the men," the mother recalled, laughing. 2 album - A Dutch Review, "Seven Women" Magazine article, Sept 22 2011, 10 Questions for the Gold Medalist - Oct 6 2011, Nobu interviewed on Fresno NPR, April 5 2011, March 2009 interview with Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii, Nobuyuki Tsujii in the Chopin Magazine, March 2012, Nobuyuki Tsujii Interview - 毎日新聞 10/24/2012, Nobuyuki Tsujii: 'The piano is an extension of my own body', Sept. 7, 2011 【父の教え】What my father taught me, Nobuyuki Tsujii debuts in Austria, Spring 2012, Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012, Part 2, Nobuyuki Tsujii in England, May 2012 part 3, Nobuyuki Tsujii in Germany, March 2012, part 2, After London - new thoughts on Nobuyuki Tsujii, Web Pages with Misinformation on Nobuyuki Tsujii, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKDdK7LucXA, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQFxZL_WGYg, Performer's Program at the Ueno Gakuen University of Music, Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail/4046792, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IAButz_Mp0), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobuyuki_Tsujii, http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%BE%BB%E4%BA%95%E4%BC%B8%E8%A1%8C, Nobu, la historia del pianista ciego [Nobu, the story of the blind pianist], event at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, September 26 2016. When he was four, he could perform Jingle Bells tunes as well. Blind since birth, Nobuyuki Tsujii was joint Gold Medal winner at the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. As a Cliburn Competition winner, Nobuyuki toured worldwide to perform in concerts (see Past Concerts & Upcoming concerts), culminating in a debut recital at the Carnegie Hall in November 2011 (Carnegie Hall 2011 カーネギーホールでのリサイタルが), and is reportedly in demand worldwide. Nobuyuki's parents are Takashi 孝さ and Itsuko いつ子 Tsujii (photo below left). The ultimate authority on Nobuyuki Tsujii's story is his mother, Itsuko Tsujii, who has written a book "Nobu cantabile" (Nobu's song) about it Unfortunately, the book is only available in Japanese. He gave his first piano recital in the small hall of Tokyo's Suntory Hall at age 12, followed by debut performances overseas in the United States, France, and Russia. Wed 17 Jul 2013 13.55 EDT. In 2005, became the youngest person ever to compete in the International Chopin Piano Competition, and won the Encouragement Prize. In addition to being a virtuoso pianist, Nobuyuki Tsujii is also an accomplished composer. Blind from birth, the 24-year-old pianist’s handicap – if a drawback at all – never affected his ability to play the piano. Nobuyuki Tsujii has an extensive discography (recorded music -- see Nobuyuki CDs). A debut recital at the Carnegie Hall is scheduled for this November. The pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii was born blind due to microphthalmia. Both parents poured love on the child, but in different ways. Still, the father was always calm and reassuring, even when he had to deal with his son harshly. Another video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQFxZL_WGYg, of Nobuyuki with long-time childhood piano teacher Mr. Masahiro Kawakami 川上昌裕 (photo top left), shows his perfect pitch that allows him to instantly repeat notes and chords played by the teacher. Nobuyuki Tsujii was born in Tokyo, Japan, on September 13, 1988, with a a developmental disorder of the eyes, microphthalmia, which has left him completely blind. The story of Nobuyuki Tsujii’s success is incredible. In 1995, at the age of seven, Tsujii won the first prize at the All Japan Music of Blind Students by the Tokyo Helen Keller Association. He has a handicap that is "total blindness". At ten, he made his concerto debut in Osaka. In the wake of his Cliburn victory, Nobuyuki's fame skyrocketed in Japan (see Nobu Fever). His albums are released in his native country Japan under Avex Classics. ( 日出間和貴?? It was easy to write music about the contact with patients and making connections between people", Recently, father and son would go out to eat together. 23:34. This is the story of one of them, a 20 year old from Tokyo, Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind from birth. Now it is my turn to repay his kindness. Since then, his composing career has continued to flourish in Japan. My composition "Whispers of the River" is based on that silly conversation. It is a total wonder that he can play as well as he does being completely blind. The conflict lasted until the son graduated from High School. The music complements the story of a young doctor and his patients in a rural area. The parents were troubled by whether he would become a professional when he reaches adulthood. An inspirational musician with a formidable technique and a natural gift for pianistic colour, he has earned international recognition in recent years for the excitement of his live performances.
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