The Trojan war is roughly dated to 1200 BC. More quiz info >> First submitted: April 11, 2017: Times taken: 11,343: Rating: 4.71: Quiz and answer stats >> Friends stats >> Start Quiz . located across the Aegean Sea from Greece. Helen of Troy was the most beautiful woman and her husband is Menelaus, a greek chieftain, and her former suitor was Odysseus. How do Queen Hecuba and King Priam react to the treatment of Hector's body? This means that the city would generously have only had a defense force of 6,000 fighting men (assuming they hired some mercenaries). Votes: 4. Agamemnon (Chief of all generals), Odysseus, and Menelaus (Brother of Agamemnon). Prices. (from the time he leaves from war and returns home from his adventures in the Odyssey). What were the repercussions of such a conflict? He was thrown from the hightowers by the Greeks, She was unwillingly captured by the son of Achilles. According to the Iliad, the Trojan War began when the Trojan prince Paris ran away to Troy with Helen, wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. I'm of the thought that the Greeks and Romans have probably exaggerated the numbers over the years to fit the scale of warfare in their contemporary era. The judging of Paris takes place sometime after and Helen was elope-napped by paris sometime after that. I don't want to sound stupid, but I recently read the Odyssey and couldn't help but wonder. Some Historians debate over whether the Trojan War of Iliad fame is an historical event or one solely of fiction, What Contemporary works of fiction will historians debate in the same way, 3000 years from now? Was the Trojan war inspired by the mysterious Sea People? This will give you a clue as to whether you should trust us or not. Especially when you consider the archaeological record that Troy only had a population of around 10,000. Votes: 6. Would this have opened up the country to banditry? He liked his life on Ithica, he was king and he had a wife and children. Or was it just another piece of Greek Mythology? "Thus was held the funeral for Hector, tamer of horses.". Thetis knew that her son would die if he went to Troy. Were the 'lost' Greek epic poems from the Epic or Theban cycles intentionally destroyed by later societies (as a form of censorship, cultural deletion, etc.)? Because Hector killed Patroclus, Achilles' best friend. To me the idea of a hundred thousand troops seems kind of outlandish. He did so, and the love goddess made … Was there really a Trojan War as depicted in these epics. A list of "Trojan War"-related questions. List the gods and goddesses who favored the greeks/trojans. Are there any sources for this, or can anyone make an educated guess? She dressed him like a girl and sent him to talk with the neighboring king's daughters. What are the names of Hector's wife and son? Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. Trivia Quiz - ProProfs ... . Does anyone out there have any idea what I'm talking about? Is there any consensus in the historian community about the trojan wars or is it all open to speculation? Did I dream this? How Many People Really Fought in the Trojan War? Click here for more information. 2. Was there one guy who sat down and write about it first? I know that in the Iliad, Homer seems to describe the events of the war and the famous figures that took part in it, but were those events and people real, or were they simply invented as part of the Greek mythos? The timeline of the Etruscan civilization founding myth (immigrants from Anatolia to Italy) and the Trojan War / Homeric myths loosely line up with the Bronze Age Collapse. We are a historian and an archaeologist of Ancient Greek warfare. What differences were there? What was the Trojan War… Thank you. Did the trojan war really happened? What was the Trojan War all about? Did the Greeks actually infiltrate Troy by hiding inside a giant wooden horse (probably not, right)? The Trojan War will result in a new era, but only if she encourages Greek victory. It was a war that broke out between the Achaeans (the Greeks) and the city of Troy. This is a really cool community and I look forward to hearing back. He is softened and thinks of his own family and gives the body back, calls a truce, and there is a funeral for Hector. Did he just reference it and people built on it, or was it a very fleshed out mythos to begin with? read more Trojan War.? Thus, the Trojan War began. But I'm confused about some points, mostly after reading Wikipedia as there are too many details in it. The historicity of the Trojan War, including whether it occurred at all and where Troy was located if it ever existed, is still subject to debate. I've read a few articles about it especially here in yahoo answers. What did Clytemnestra do when Agamemnon returned home? Une fois sur le champs de bataille, … Hence, she enters a strategic partnership with Hera, who works with her against the will of Zeus to overcome the Trojans. While I can determine that the Oath of Tyndareus took place about 10 years before the war as that's the age of Menelaus and Helen's daughter, I cant figure out a timeline that let's Achilles be old enough to go to war, as well as having an event from his parents wedding being the direct cause of the war. Trojan War, legendary conflict between the early Greeks and the people of Troy in western Anatolia, dated by later Greek authors to the 12th or 13th century BCE. Patroclus was slain by Hector and he took the armor of achilles. The original assumptions of Troy's history were questioned long before by critics. Odysseus (Ajax was outraged and committed suicide), He was killed when Greek warriors raged through the city. So I am trying to determine if this missing decade and change was between the wedding and the Judgement of Paris, or the Judgement of Paris and. What would be a common helmet worn by the Greeks during the time of the Odyssey/Trojan War. Odysseus and the Greeks built a wooden horse and placed it outside of the gates of troy. Did this conflict lead to the Mycenaean downfall? Select it and press Ctrl+Enter. Aphrodite saves paris by cutting the chinstrap on his helmet and carrying him out of battle. your username. Was the Trojan war real or is it only part of the mythology? How true is this? Were supplies, and reinforcements sent to Troy on a regular basis? 1. Menu. Ithaca is 565 nautical miles from Troy. Which god deceives achilles which allows most of the trojans to escape into the city. He has also taught courses on ancient Greek mythology, Homer, and the Trojan War, and wrote Henchmen of Ares: Warriors … While I would believe that the Greeks had 20-30 thousand soldiers (that's also probably generous). According to the sixth-century BC Sicilian-Greek poet Stasicorus, Queen Helena of Sparta, who according to the epics took the besieged abducted prince Paris to Troy, was actually in Egypt during the Trojan War and took only one image of … 1. Any more stupid questions? Hephaestus because the mother of Achilles asked him to. how long did it take for Odysseus to return home? Found a mistake? The war was waged against the City of Troy by the Greeks after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband, the King of Sparta. Our customers … Who is the most beautiful woman and who is her husband? Little is known about the historical Homer. Is there any truth behind "Iliad"? Trojan War is one of the most interesting moments of Greek mythology. The Trojan War: fact or fiction? Please be kind, I hope I'm not missing an extremely obvious part of history and just sound ridiculous. What was the reaction to this among historians and was there a lot of disbelief/push back? If all of the gods were busy fighting in Troy, would this have any meaningful change regarding worship in Greece? A teacher once told me that Alexander the great personally visited Achilles's burial site. Hera also helps Athena in her assistance to Diomedes. Or did they just have that large of an abundance of food? Patroclus wore the armor because he wanted to strike fear in all trojans because they would thing that achilles is fighting. Progress: 1 of 30 questions . After his death, some sources say she was exiled to the island of Rhodes, where a vengeful war widow had her hanged. Which goddess actively participates in the battle between Achilles and Hector? Quiz by Quizmaster. I know it sounds nuts. Roel Konijnendijk is a historian of Classical Greek warfare and historiograph. Which goddess does paris select as the fairest? What bargain does Hector attempt to strike with Achilles? Over 140 quiz questions in rotation. I understand that ruins have been found in Turkey that somewhat resemble the city Homer described, as well as evidence of conflict.
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