The Office of Academic Support: Academic, Quantitative, and Writing Skills; Peer TutoringThe Office of Academic Support, housed in the Dorothy Johansen House (DoJo), offers academic coaching on quantitative skills and academic/study skills, as well as peer tutoring for many subjects and skill areas, including writing, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, languages, mathematics, and physics. The candidate for graduation takes a final comprehensive two-hour oral review under the direction of the major division, department, and/or interdisciplinary committee. Tuition Refund Insurance Reed College students are eligible to participate in the tuition refund plan offered by A.W.G. Reno, NV 89512. Dewar, Inc., at a cost of 0.95% of the total direct costs. The college's Title IX policy and procedures may be found on our Title IX web page. 5. 4. Instructional technology is used in every academic discipline at Reed, and there are specialized student computing labs in art, biology, chemistry, language studies, linguistics, the performing arts, physics, psychology, and other areas. The remaining four credits must be completed in an instructional class. Students who have withdrawn and wish to be readmitted must apply for readmission through the registrar’s office. Contact Reed College. Craft, analyze, critique, and defend arguments using evidence, Frame questions that elicit productive analysis. The mission of the Cooley is to present exceptional historical and contemporary art in dialogue with the academic program of the college and for the enrichment of the larger community. Additionally, the IMC provides audiovisual equipment for checkout including headphones, laptops, audio/video recorders, projectors, DVD/VCR players, and screens. Pacific Northwest College of Art Program. Use and evaluate quantitative data or modeling, or use logical/mathematical reasoning to evaluate, test or prove statements, Given a problem or question, formulate a hypothesis or conjecture, and design an experiment, collect data or use mathematical reasoning to test or validate it. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. The policies are found in the Faculty Code, a copy of which is available to students online, in the library, and in several offices on campus. No distribution requirement can be satisfied by waiver or by examination (e.g., AP, IB, or other examination). On their part, students are expected to recognize the responsibility placed upon them to participate actively in the intellectual life of the college, to discover their educational objectives, and to strive to attain them. Fax: 503-777-7769. A full course for one semester carries one Reed unit of credit, which is the equivalent of four semester hours or six quarter hours. Media Center The instructional media center (IMC), on lower level one in the library building, includes a language lab, a video viewing room, a multimedia lab, and a large collection of videos. Search Reed For more information about computing at Reed, visit the computing and information services website at The registrar’s office manages the assignment of academic advisers for continuing students. Ad hoc minors are not available, even by petition. Notice of Non-Discrimination/Web-Accessibility A student who is placed on probation is expected to submit a progress plan, developed with the adviser and one of the deans in student life. Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 If a student is enrolled in courses the completion of which would bring the student’s total number of units to 16 or more, the student will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters until declaring a major. Any two one-unit Reed College history courses, or the equivalent. The one exception is humanities, where the cap of two units excludes Humanities 110 or, in the case of transfer students, other humanities courses being used to satisfy the Humanities 110 requirement. Students must register their personal computers and handheld devices in order to access networked resources. Getting to Reed Campus map Most courses are characterized by teaching based on conferences, studios, or laboratories, in which students and faculty members work closely together. Students who wish to participate must enroll and send payment directly to Dewar prior to the first day of classes. In order that students study a wide array of disciplinary methods, understandings, objects, and approaches, students are also required to take three units within the following three broad groupings of the liberal arts: So that students develop both a broad understanding of the methods of each grouping and a sustained understanding of the methods of one discipline within each grouping, students are required to take two of the three units in the same subject and one of the three in a second subject. It is a depository for U.S. government publications and maintains special collections of rare books, manuscripts, and archival materials. Students may obtain a transfer credit approval form and additional information from the registrar’s office. The student’s advisers (one from each of the relevant departments) and the departments concerned must review and approve the proposed program. The completion of a minor will be recorded when the student graduates. The dean of students and other members of the student life division staff are also available to discuss educational and personal concerns. The following are official academic actions that the faculty may take at the end of a semester, in order of increasing concern: official warning, probation, denial of registration, and dismissal from college. Laboratory-based teaching allows students to become familiar with science as an active process of continuing inquiry. Students with intense interest in two major fields may petition to carry their work through the writing of a thesis in both areas, if they think that an interdisciplinary or interdivisional single major, or a major in one and strong concentration in the other, would not serve their purposes. Students should secure approval of courses before registering at another school, and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that an official transcript of the work is sent directly to the registrar at Reed. Analyze institutions, formations, languages, structures, or processes, whether social, political, religious, economic, cultural, intellectual or other. The minimum program in a semester for full-time enrollment is three units. A number of courses are cross-listed in two departments. Librarians staff the reference desk to aid students in their research and answer reference questions using email, online chat, and text messaging. The petition should include the rationale for the exemption or waiver and the support of the student’s adviser and relevant instructors. Getting to Reed Campus map Hundreds of nationally recognised Professional qualifications & training courses from the UK's leading education providers. The following course descriptions are taken from the text of the Reed College catalog. Exhibitions are curated by director Stephanie Snyder ’91, in close collaboration with Reed faculty and occasional guest curators. Hyperlinked tables of contents … All students have access to the Guidebook to Reed, which sets these forth comprehensively in a readily accessible format at Students may request a copy of their transcript through the registrar’s office. This facility includes sound recordings, music scores, videos, computers, and other information resources that support studies in the performing arts. CommendationsAt the end of the academic year, the divisions and the Administration Committee review the records of students who have been enrolled full time for the year and who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship. Contribute constructively to a classroom discussion. Cooley GalleryThe Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery is Reed College’s professional visual arts exhibition space and is located in the Reed College library. Students and faculty members who purchase computer equipment and peripherals through the college receive discounts on hardware and software. Imagine first-year students skimming descriptions in a lengthy course catalog. Individual awards range from about … In such cases, subject to the approval of the student’s advisers and the departments and division(s) involved, a double major leading to a single degree may be possible. Reed Grants The primary source of grant assistance at Reed College is the college itself. They may select a major from one of the following departmentally based majors: In addition, interdisciplinary majors are available in: To supplement these established interdisciplinary majors, special programs that link two or more disciplines may be approved. An adviser is assigned initially according to the student’s interests and may be changed at the request of the student through the registrar’s office. Its primary mission is to provide collections and services that support the educational goals of the college. Reed Publications. At the end of each semester, the progress of first-year students and sophomores is reviewed by the Administration Committee of the faculty, and that of upper-division students by the divisions in which they are majoring. International and comparative policy studies, History and Social Science (Group II); and. WE ARE CURRENTLY UPDATING COURSE … Understand how arguments can be made, visions presented, or feelings or ideas conveyed through language or other modes of expression (symbols, movement, images, sounds, etc. Inquiries may be directed to the college's Title IX Coordinator by email at, by phone at 503 … Programs and Courses of Instruction > Any change in program that seems advisable in light of the fall semester academic experience may be made during this time but no later than the second week of the spring semester. The minor shall be declared by completion and submission of the declaration of minor to the registrar’s office. Getting to Reed Campus map No thesis course or independent study course can be used to satisfy a distribution requirement. 425 East 9th Street. A performing arts librarian, an instructional technologist, and other staff support the use of collections, technology, and services for dance, music, and theatre. Teaching MethodsInstruction at Reed College emphasizes learning as a common adventure of students and teachers in which both cooperate closely in classes, group discussions, laboratories, studios, and individual conferences. Site Navigation. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. MinorsA student may elect to complete a minor in fields where a minor has been established. High Schools. Transfer credit may be used to meet certain degree requirements if faculty approval is secured in advance.
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