No armor what-so-ever, but good guns. German Superheavies (VK100.01P) Be the top player on your team by total damage blocked by armor (Restriction! Everyone is Equal: Any tier 6+ Ger/JP: Destroy 3 enemy vehicles of 2 different types. Come join the conversation! Leopard, I don't have it, or any tier 10 German tank. turret means you can peak-a-boom around corners. JanneVee23, on 26 September 2017 - 12:52 AM, said: I heard that Emil is a piece of s... true, or nah? I have up to the T28 proto, but I HATE it. Leopard 1 through Ru 251, can't go wrong with that if you enjoy lights. - accurate info about WoT tanks. They both get the same gun, a powerful 128mm that will smack a target for upwards of 500 damage a shot on a good roll. But again this was fun seeing the TD get blown up by my shot close to the end. Alliance-5. I'm up to tier 9 on the original line (the Jagdtiger) and tier 7 on the new line (the Panzer Souffle V). There are only 3 steps to activate our bonus code and start enjoying the best game of the world — World of Tanks! At tier 10, the Jagdpanzer auf E 100 is a large, bulky TD with a very large-caliber gun (second largest in the game). Maus line, because in addition to the Maus, you'll also get access to the Jagdpanzer E-100 line and the Pz.Kpfw. In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it. Probably, THE most accurate at ALL ranges. The turret really makes the tanks felxible in lots of situations. The guns on 8 and 9 are amazing and fire at just over 9 secs. You talk about armor like it's an important stat for a TD. These are not front or mid line TDs. The gun is fantastic (recommend staying away from the 150s though) and the mobility isn't all that bad. ), acceptable mobility, and it's difficult for newbies to pen from the front thanks to some nice sloping. There is no best TD line but the easiest Imo is the turreted American line. If this is your first TD tech tree you're choosing, go for the JpE100. Then you get the Jagdtiger. I would say they are pretty fun to play, as you can one shot some tanks with the tier 7 Russian td. The upside to this line is alpha, DPM, turrets at high tiers, and camo. With no armor you need to train camo first. As an example, German TD line going to Jag.Pz.E-100 on tier X. turret also means you can engage targets all around you while keeping cammo net and binocs bonuses. I wanted to have Tiger 1. which russian td line is more popular? German medium tanks tend to be kept at a longer distance than their counterparts, but the accurate German guns will make short … Designed to operate without being seen, the entire line is made up … World of Tanks. And yes, E-100 gun as top gun for top tier TD in a line that should have “powerful guns”. German engineers proved adept in developing Tank Destroyers from obsolete combat vehicles, designing all-new types from proven chassis and running gear. VII (when that gets added) via the Tiger P. Great choice if you want to save yourself some grinding. World of Tanks (WoT): Best Tanks in 2020. PTSD Foamy, on 25 September 2017 - 11:33 PM, said: I do like medium tanks. even the worse TD in the tree, the JgPzIV at tier 6, ain't too bad. Their main purpose is to support the team indirectly throughout the fire, normally from a big distance. It's a really nice, flexible line to play. Easiest to grind (as opposed to play) is the obj 268 line. The Pz.sfl V with the top gun is a blast. The E 50 and E 50 M are great and unique tanks, fast with a reasonably armored front and probably the best snap shot gun in the game. That's their key. StuG life. Horrible soft stat, mediocore alpha. This is the sneakiest TD of this bunch and has brought many WoT players to the saltiest of tears as it chips away unseen at their Hit Points from some concealed position. Reason I wanna start a new German line is because I have 5 skill crew that I have grinded in my Hammer, and nowhere to put them. They are ok. World of Tanks Best Heavy Tank. The Borsig and Waffletraktor are OP as shit. You get a nice set of vehicles with high alpha, great penetration, good camo and decent mobility, with only long aim time and some accuracy issues being the downsides. Hey there. The one with the E75 in it, because of the E75! The high tiers lose the mobility and camo in exchange for very good armor Armor and powerful guns with high alpha. I like how you think the Jg line doesn't deal tons of damage. I choose to use the BFG for shits and giggles. The Nashorn (T6) is the first of the real snipers in this line. V/WaffentragerE-100. The middle tier … Medium Tanks Medium tanks are incredibly varied in their armor, speed, and firepower. The JPII is fast and mobile, with sloped armor that can and will bounce shots from things that you wouldn't think would bounce off you. You get zero armor, but a huge punchy gun. 04-23-2016. The amazing thing about the German TD's is that they're accurate. ( keep in mind my crew was 4 skill by then since since I did the whole Jg line first) the rhm is invisible and you can easily deal 4k damage without being seen if you lay it right. The Nashorn is a disappointment, too slow for my tastes and literally no reason to switch from the hellcat (which is still the best T6 TD in my opinion) The line itself has mediocre tanks leading up to it, but it's a good starting point to learn how to use turretless tanks. Kazomir on September 5, 2013 at 6:14 pm said: A "Waffenträger" line with Nashorn, Sturer Emil, Waffenträger Panther etc. 5. Its ok, about the same as the German e100 TD. -Erwin Rommel. The only downside is the ammo count, you only get 15 shells so make them count. Best of luck to you. The other German TD line is focused heavily on a camouflaged, sniping role. , which are open topped vehicles. The guide will show you the best British tank lines in World of Tanks. Coalition-1. But the Obj.268.4 line did get much nicer to play once they got rid of that god awful SU-122-54. The best tank destroyer line for a new player would be the Soviet Obj. Some highlights are: -The Hetzer. I have run out a few times with this gun, once when I was trying to carry the team and was the only one left. Then you move to the JagdTiger who is fantastic sniper with awesome 128mm gun. In my eyes, most tier 9 tanks are competitive against tier 10s. While the rest of the line is stealthy, it doesn't describe the Waffentrager E-100. WoT-Life is a free, player created web service for World of Tanks. The whole tech tree is awesome imo. I'd say the Obj.268 line is better tier for tier, at least if you like derp fun. Germany Tankopedia World of Tanks Blitz - learn more about german tanks and german artillery that you can find in WoT Blitz America, free mobile multiplayer game for ios and android (com) That is certainly a bonus. At least with 9.3 you won't have to worry about being set on fire from a frontal hit. The Object 263 is arguably the best tier 10 TD right now. This line will come out in autumn 2013. This vehicle is an excellent upgrade from the already powerful Ru 251, and offers one of the best speeds in the game for a Tier 10, coming in at 72km/h forward and 25 backward. I'd say the low point is the Jagdpanzer IV, because its guns are shit and you'll struggle to penetrate anything. What Are The Best American Medium Tanks? ProExercitio, on 26 September 2017 - 12:06 AM, said: Lights not that much because I'm cursed when I play them, as I mostly get city maps, which pisses me off. Block 1 000 HP of damage) Be the top player on your team by damage caused. So yeah, the original TD line is great. News Discuss on Forum. The two lines basically spit up into to types: This line is a glass cannon extraordinaire! 6. level 1. it is not however good for a new player as it needs detailed knowledge of maps and the mechanics to exploit fully. I love mine to death. Introduction. Well for one my WR in the RHM Borsig WT compared to my normal WR makes it look like i'm pubstomping tier 4s. The Waffentrager line is very popular right now. The upside to this line is alpha, DPM, turrets at high tiers, and camo. Roll out! Cool, thanks. There is no "stock grind" that magically makes you not suck after you've completed it. It's slow, it has no mobility, it has virtually no armour but it's top gun just wrecks tanks. Bosnian_Lord, on 25 September 2017 - 11:28 PM, said: Bosnian_Lord, on 26 September 2017 - 07:37 AM, said: Nocski, on 26 September 2017 - 12:45 AM, said: Both TD lines have tank that are very enjoyable to play. Credible Deterrent: Any tier 7+ Auto loader (reloader) FR/SE/CS/IT tanks. If you like mobility or armor, go with the Jagds. Overall the Waffen line has more agility. The Valentine line and the lend-lease medium line converge at mid-tiers into its starting. The E series were series to replace existing tanks like the Panther and Tiger II to more easier producable production line tanks, with several improvements, and I highly doubt this would be it. I see the line from the SU-152 onwards more often than the SU-100M1, so that’s probably more popular. great credit maker. Pound for pound, my favorite TD in the game. I have only gone as far as the Stug III G on the other line so hopefully others will fill in the details. This tree would be the best thing to happen to the german tree. This is the line I enjoyed the most. Stay away from the british slow TD line. World of Tanks official forum ... German Heavy TD Line Started by Wish_bone, Dec 16 2020: 11 reply 1,368 view; Bryukhov; Jan 12 2021 STRV does Turbo still work in siege mode? I personally love my JagdTiger, the huge pen and DPM makes me love it. I've decided to try out the German line for my first TD, and I'm in the Marder II and trying to decide which way to go. Which nation SPG line is best to start with? In this guide for best tanks in the world of tanks 2020, we will list those tanks which are popular amongst the community. I can also recommend the Waffenträger line, and I learned a lot playing it. I had to get used to the Panther, but liked it once did. The tier 7 is painfully slow and has very little gun traverse (though amazing depression and alpha). The Nashorn has the best gun in the game, and the WT-IV is also one of my favorites. The armor seems pretty tough and the gun does an average of a thousand damage per shot, but it's slow to turn and still has the lower glacis weak spot like all of the other German tanks (barring the 4502B). World of Tanks: German Skorpion Tank Destroyer redline camping Over in the IKEA flatpack department, we have the Swedish Strv S1. Official website of the award-winning free-to-play online game World of Tanks. I decided to grind the E50M line, as I want to play a tier 10 medium tank with good gun handling and functional armor, and these are two of the E-50M’s strengths. It is armed with 4.7cm Pak (t) l43 of utmost performance. The line ends with the FV217 Badger, boasting thick and very sloped front armor, and also the highest DPM in the game. Then, of course, you get the choice of either the Jagdpanther II or the Ferdinand. Pro Player Tips: Tank Destroyers. I got a 67% WR in the borsig there are a couple of reasons for it: the tank is completely usable stock. Maus line, because in addition to the Maus, you'll also get access to the Jagdpanzer E-100 line and the Pz.Kpfw. How is everything leading up to the Borsig, though? Source: If you want to check out the best WoT Tier for Tier vehicles with our in-depth selection method explanation and analysis, go here.. Starting off at Tier 6 we have the SU-100. In this guide I review the underrated Panther, the tier 7 German medium tank in the E50M line in World of Tanks (WoT). Something that hits hard(ish), is quick(ish), and has decent armor? In the grim darkness of the future of World of Tanks Fantasy, there is only disappointment. The JgPanther and the Ferdinand/JgP2 are awesome tanks. british TD tanks are also another good one if you don't mind tier 5, tier 6 and tier 7 TD tanks 20 km/h top speed. Destroy tracks of 3 different enemy vehicles. For me the TD was suppose to be like a heavy tank, nope. Then you just have to choose which play style fits you; mobile+turret or stand still and put a big hole in someone. This article will feature three of the best Tier VIII premium tanks overall and three of the best Tier VIII vehicles that are readily available in the Wargaming store. Quite maneuverable, but slow. It’s a fairly popular Tank Destroyer probably for two reasons; firstly, it leads to the ISU-152 – seemingly a pilgrimage for all who love creating big numbers with their pixel tanks. Tanks within Italics are Upcoming Vehicles, and are currently in testing, and not obtainable to the public. Started by britishtanker65, Jul 22 2020: With characteristic listed at The Turretless TD above, The British Turreted TD, also known as "Gun Carrier" are generally polar-opposite. [WoT] German Top LT New German tier 8 light tank via VK2801 (some might have already found that out) will be ... German tanks tend to fit my favorite play style best, so this is good news for me, but with two TD lines, it feels like the American tech tree is due for an addition. To see the final cost, click the button for the selected payment method.
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